Saturday, August 29, 2009

Things tend to move backwards for me

I must admit that my publishing experience seems a bit backwards to me. I started out in the traditional manner. A friend got me hooked on writing by joining a critique group and together, she and I joined a local RWA chapter. I have a drawer full of contest wins and rejection letters to indicate my desire to get my stories published but ....

Another friend hooked me up with Champagne Books and while I did query in the traditional manner, I think it was her good word and endorsement that helped land me my first contract. As a relatively new publisher at the time, Celestial Dragon floored them with the amount of sales generated that first month. Floored me too. So much so, that they put it into traditional paperback form a year later. And now, almost three years later, I find out it's coming out in hardback. Wow.

So, yeah, backwards. Most big name authors start with hardback, then paperback, and then e-book. For me, it was e-book, paperback and now hardback. Why? The genre. Since my book fits in with sci-fi, and my other sci-fi author buds, Kerry Tolan and Todd Hunter have been attending sci-fi cons, the publisher is more than happy to put our books in hardback because they tend to sell even better at cons in this format.

I'm so excited. I can hardly wait to see it. You'll be hearing me jump for joy whenever I hold that sucker in my hands. Whoop!


  1. Wow. It's really cool to hear about the feelings an author experiences when they hold their published book in their hands. I'd probably have to sit down and just stay there with this grin on my face. What a thrill! I'm happy for you. :-)

  2. So cool! Congrats...That's very exciting.

  3. I haven't received it yet, but I got word it will ship in about a week. I can't wait. Then I'll be jumping up and down. Thanks bunches for the congrats. I just couldn't hold it inside any longer and had to share it somewhere. LOL.

  4. Ciara,

    LOL No problem. It's fun to share your good news! :-)
