Sunday, October 4, 2009

The End

The End - those are magical words to an author, especially when they've slaved over a book, don't several rewrites and stalled more times than they'd care to admit. Well, I"m excited to report that I just wrote those words on my last wip. Whoop! 93,000+ words and I'm done. I finished the synopsis and I submitted to my publisher. Now, I have to wait to see if I'm offered a contract. Ugh. Waiting is soooo hard.

So, while I wait, I'm going to be playing this month. First, visit the blog, "Dishing it Out," for some suspenseful excerpts and spooky shorts. Ginger is a dear friend and always does such fun things on her blog. And yours truly gets to be one of her first guests so for an excerpt from my Viking Time Travel, check out her blog tomorrow.

Another author buddy of mine, Becka Goings is having her fifth annual birthday bash with all sorts of prizes handed out this week. Check out her loop, The Magic of Romance, and come play. She'll also be posting one of my excerpts but I'm not sure when, but I'll let you know when I know.

Off to go write some more, or maybe not. I'm about due a rest but then the Muse isn't always on my time clock.


  1. Ciara,

    I'm happy for you! I hope you get a contract soon. :-) Is this one for an e-book or in print?

  2. I'm so excited for you!!! What a feeling it must be.

  3. Congratulations on finishing the book. Wish I could say the same. I know you'll get that contract! No doubts about it.
