Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tis the Season to be Jolly

I love the idea behind Christmas but I think it's become way too commercialized. Shopping is no longer fun but a chore. Bah humbug.

On a brighter note, I almost have all my shopping done so I won't need to fight the last minute rush to buy things.

I can't believe this year has gone by so quickly. Two more days of teaching and then I have two and half weeks - to write!!! I'm really looking forward to starting something new. Not sure what, but yeah, my muse has been yammering at me.


  1. Hi Ciara, I did all of my shopping online this year and enjoyed it so much more. Because we can't afford all the calories, I no longer do all the baking I used to. This year our 6 year old grandson is coming so Christmas will be more fun. For me, the joy of Christmas is in children, family, and remembering our Savior's birthday.
    Merry Christmas, Ciara. Enjoy your break.

  2. Two weeks to write, sounds glorious! Have fun and have a great Christmas!

  3. I'm sure you'll come up with a cool idea. I still like the idea of "Centaurs In My Backyard" (something I came up with in my blog) but I never really did much with it...I started to, but I just didn't like it so I gave it up.

    I wish you the best with the writing and hope we'll get to meet someday before too long at one of the NWHRWA meetings. I HAVE mailed my application and I am (finally) member of RWA, so I'm just waiting for my NWHRWA application to go through. I'm so excited! :-)

  4. Hey Linda, I did a little shopping on line but not much. I'm such a last minute shopper for some folks.

    Hi Nancy, yeah, I live for school holidays. The kids get wild this time of year and makes me so tired. But - writing will rejuvenate me. Ha ha.

    Bethany, so glad you're finally a member. Whoop!. Yeah, I do need to make a meeting. Maybe January. I know February is out. I've a book signing that day in Bremond. The Centaur thing does sound like fun.

  5. Ciara,

    Have at the centaur. I couldn't make heads or tails of it LOL (bad pun).

    I don't know what's happening with the January meeting. Will was talking about either Jan. 2nd or Jan. 9th--but there was a concern since Jan. 2nd was so soon after the new year, but then again, Jan. 9th is the same day as the West Houston Chapter meeting and some people are members of both. So, I guess either email Will or something? I don't know. It's confusing me. LOL

    I'll have to check with Jen about whether or not she got my application. :-)

  6. I imagine with the change in presidents, there'll be a bit of confusion for a while. I noticed the website hasn't been updated either and I'm no longer handling that for them. With the three jobs, it was just too much for me. And I so enjoyed it, too. Bummer.

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  8. Ciara,

    The meeting is still Jan. 2nd.

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  10. I hope you had a great holiday writing! Happy New Year...
