Saturday, July 31, 2010

Meeting my cyber buddy

I know. Bad idea right? to meet someone you've only talked to online?  But we've been communicating for about three years and she's a fellow author. She's actually one of my critique partners, but more importantly I call her friend. She'll be on my list of thank yous one of these days when I make my rounds, but in the meantime, just thought I'd shout out how excited I am to meet her as she lives several states away.


  1. Maybe one day you'll meet this cyber buddy LOL That would be cool, especially to meet at a NWHRWA meeting :-) Looks like you have a very nice trip abroad.

  2. I'd love to meet you in person. Just wish my schedule gave me the right Saturdays free to go play. And I did enjoy Scandinavia a lot.
