Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nancy Henderson joins me for a great interview.

Today, I've invited Nancy Henderson to be a guest blogger. She graciously answered a few questions and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know her better. Having read a few of her stories, I can attest to the quality of her work, so please welcome, author Nancy Henderson.

I see you have several books published by Champagne. Do you have books with any other publisher? I had two books our years ago with Dragonfly Publishing, both of which have since gone out of print, and I have an upcoming historical romance coming out from DCL Publications.

Looks like you write in two genres, historical and paranormal. Do you find it difficult to switch from genre to genre? Do you have any plans to mix genres in the future? I do find it difficult. Not so much going from historical to paranormal, but from historical to contemporary, as my paranormals take place in modern day. With writing historicals you have a set vocabulary, way of thinking to the time period, and with contemporary (paranormals) I can use modern language. One might think contemporary would be easier, but I find it’s more of a challenge. My voice becomes edgier. Not sure why. LOL
I had the pleasure of reading a short story you’d written once and I remember thinking how much I felt as if I was there, that you knew just how to rev up the emotion. Can you tell us any tricks you have for making the emotion more believable? Well, I guess I try to always put myself in their shoes, to understand what lives in their hearts, what makes them tick. If you don’t know your characters inside and out, you’re doomed from the start.
Romance is about relationships and of course, authors handle the sexual part of the relationship differently. On a scale of 1 – 10, how spicy do you make your love scenes? Do you have a difficult time with the part of the romance? Strangely no, I don’t have a difficult time LOL! They’re actually all different. They’re pretty much character driven. If my character’s bold, well….usually the scene is much spicier. Once I wrote a character who was pregnant most of the story, so it was pretty tame because of her predicament. So it all depends upon the character.
Tell us a little bit about your writing habits. Do you have a set time for writing? Do you listen to music or do you need absolute quiet? I write anywhere and everywhere. I have a large tote bag filled with notebooks, sometimes my laptop. I work full time, so I often write on lunch hours, and I usually write way into the night.
If a magic genie granted you three wishes, what would they be? To write the perfect book(s) that never needed a bit of editing (yeah, right!) For my family and friends to always be safe and happy.

This probably sounds crazy to most people, but I’d love for abuse of animals to never occur. I’m a huge animal lover. I just watched on the news where a dog was thrown from a multi-story building. Just breaks my heart.
Give us a little bit about your background and your life experiences? Have any of your own experiences inspired scenes in your stories? Hmmm…tough one! I come from a family of storytellers. My grandmother always told stories, as does my father. That was a big inspiration for me.
You just had a new release. Can you tell us a little bit about it? Be sure to include links to buy and a website where readers can learn more.
Four Winds is my upcoming release with DCL Publications. It’s a historical romance set during the French and Indian War with a Native American hero. Ghost Of A Chance is my upcoming release with Champagne Books, being released in February 2011. It’s a paranormal, and the hero is a ghost.
Details will be coming soon at my website: and I post current events of my books at my Twitter site:

Thanks for having me Ciara!


  1. Wishing you many sales on your upcoming books, Nancy. And, Ciara, you did a nice job with the interview.

  2. Thanks Stacey. I think I'll do more so this will also be an open invite for others.

  3. Great questions and answers. It's nice to meet Nancy and I love the cover of her book. My love of native Americans made me instantly want to read it.

  4. Nancy, it was fun getting to you know!

    Ciara, awesome interview! :-)

  5. Hey Bethany and Ginger, thanks for stopping by. And Ginger, I remember well your wonderful stories that include native Americans.

  6. I'll tell ya what, we are so lucky at CB. Know why? Great fellow authors and unbeleivable cover artist. What a knock out cove. Congrats.

    Big Mike

    Michael Davis (
    Author of the Year, (2008 and 2009)

  7. Nancy,
    I like the idea that the hero is a ghost in Ghost of a Chance. Did you have to do a lot of research for Four Winds?

  8. Thanks for having me, Ciara! And thank you, everyone for your comments. I had a blast writing Four Winds. This came after I thought I had every Native American story in my crazy head tapped out. Then one day out of the blue, cocky, head-strong Hunter came to me, and I was like, "Well, helloooooo, who are you?" LOL!

  9. HI NAN!


  10. Hi Nancy,
    Great interview. Historicals I do write and love reading, only wish I could write paranormal, for you to be able to combine the two takes a lot of talent in my humble opinion.


