Saturday, October 9, 2010

Welcome Eve Langlais

In Celebration of my own fantasy coming out in December, I invited Eve Langlais to answer a few questions about her fantasy/paranormal stories. I also want to apologize to Eve for getting it on my blog late today. No excuses except - life got in the way? A huge welcome to Eve. 

ME: First of all, I took a look at your site. Wow. You have some really hot book covers and we all know how a great book cover can help sales. How much input do you have in regards to the cover art? Which cover is your favorite and why?

EVE: I’ve been really lucky that I’ve gotten to work with some rally talented artists. Initially, when the book is contracted, I have a chance to fill in a form and describe my vision of the perfect cover. The artists then turn that vision into reality with fantastic results. Making me choose a favorite one is cruel though. LOL. My Alien Mate covers with the smoking hot blue abs have probably gotten the most attention, but Jimmy Thomas straddling the motorcycle on the cover of Apocalypse Cowboy is probably the hottest one for me. J

ME: You write fantasy/paranormal romance with a bit of humor thrown in? What draws you to the genre?

EVE: I love paranormal and fantasy because I get to make the rules. In Lucifer’s Daughter, I remade Heaven and Hell with provoking and hilarious results. In Wickedest Witch, coming soon with Liquid Silver, I was able to use magic to spice up a love scene. The possibilities when you throw in magic are endless.

ME: Tell us about your first book?  How long did it take you to write with your busy schedule?

EVE: My very first book that I wrote and was lucky enough to have contracted was Take A Chance, now out with Champagne Books. It took me three months all told to write, then revise at the suggestion of an editor at Champagne. A full length novel, it was daunting to write, but the euphoria when it got contracted was unbelievable. It gave me the courage and drive to keep on typing.

ME: A lot of writers are “people watchers”.  Where do you do your best people watching?

EVE: At home lol. While I can be social if forced to, I am truly happiest at home. I live vicariously through books and television. I also find Facebook a neat way to see how other people live.

ME: Of the books you have out so far, which has a hero most like your husband?

EVE: LOL, according to my husband they are all patterned after him which is funny considering most of my heroes are either shifters, aliens or magically imbued. I think hubby is probably a mix of Hunter from The Hunter and Brody from Apocalypse Cowboy. One thing for sure, shifter or not, he’s all alpha.

ME: You write both erotic and sweet romance, so which of the two is easier to write?

EVE: I found sweet romance to be stifling when I wrote as I was too conscious of what I could and couldn’t say or do in heated moments. I prefer to use the big words and let the attraction between my main characters steam up the page.

ME: Many authors set lifetime goals for themselves.  What ultimate goal do you hope to achieve with your writing?

EVE: Why to be number one on Amazon of course?! LOL. My goal when I started was to get published, having done that several times over, now I just write because I can’t help myself. I do hope eventually though I’ll make enough from it that we can pay off our debt and put in a hot tub.

ME: Tell us about your latest project.

EVE: Alien Mate 3 is in the planning stages. People love the big blue guys. This one is going to be more of a galaxy trek with geeky earthling falls in lust, er love, with a new hunky blue alien who has no intention of setting down. Cleopatra is also clamoring to get her story out and a few of my series need sequels.

To find out more about me, check out some covers and excerpts, or even better buy some books, please visit me @

Thank you for the interview! J


  1. Eve, thank you so much for answering my questions with such fun answers.

  2. Great interview -- Eve, good luck getting your hot tub!

  3. Very thoughtful interview and informative! Thanks Eve for sharing and Ciara for putting up! Happy Writing to you both :-)
