Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What makes a hero?

How many times have you studied a friend or an acquaintance for certain characteristics and thought - dang, no one would believe a character could be that flaky? Or maybe you've read a character that just couldn't possibly exist in real life. Funny how truth is often stranger than fiction. I love watching TV shows that work with criminal profiles, but I find it hard to believe that there are that many folks out in the world that are seriously messed up. I know. I tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, hense why I write romance.

When I first started writing, I went to several workshops on character development. One of the key points mentioned was, "You don't want to do that. It won't endear your audience to your hero or heroine." Okay, so most readers love a tortured hero, but he can't drink to excess, sleep around, or smoke. Now granted, in real life if someone has a violent background, no family love, or has been betrayed in some way, he/she is likely to turn to a vice for solace. It's human nature.

I think rules have changed with the popularity of e-books. Authors have come a long way to break these steadfast rules set by the 1980s and 90s romance authors. There are still some taboo areas. Most authors avoid putting a cigarette in their hero's hands. For a contemporary book, it just makes him seem stupid (unless part of his growth is his willingness to break the addiction). However, for a historical, to have the hero smoke is true to the times.

So - what makes a hero? For me, heorism comes when unsurmountable odds are surpassed in his/her bid to do the right thing no matter what it might cost. Personal sacrifice makes him/her that much more memorable. In order for this to occur, though, the author has to have put in place internal as well as external conflicts. The character has to have believeable reasons for making those sacrifices. Otherwise, what's the point?


  1. My husband is a hero to me. He tackles each problem with grace and wisdom.
    He has amassed a great deal of knowledge over the years and shares his expertise with people.
    He takes care of me and that is why he is my hero.

  2. Oh Marie, your husband sounds like mine. He's a wealth of information and helps the entire neighborhood. I think that type of man is almost a dying breed. The new generation overall doesn't know how to work on cars or plumbing or a host of other talents. Luckily, my husband made sure our son can handle these tasks as well.
