Saturday, June 16, 2012

Our day in Orvieto, Italy

The day we left Rome, we headed for Orvieto. So this day was mostly scenery. Once we arrived, we toured the Cathedral of Orvieto, a beautiful example of  Romanesque and Gothic architecture. After our visit to the Cathedral, we were allowed free time to explore. We enjoyed a lovely lunch at an outdoor cafe and walked around a bit.

Then we gathered for a ride on the funicular for a spectacular panoramic view. During our trip, the highs were in the upper 70s or lower 80s. Feels odd to come home to 100 degree temperatures.

Following our Orvieto excursion, we headed for Montecatini where we enjoyed a three-course dinner at the Grand Tamerici and Principe Hotel.

Mom always retires for the evening at about 8:00PM so I spent a bit of time enjoying my son's company as we walked about.

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