Sunday, November 25, 2012

Texas Forged

Whoop!  I finally got this story ready for Amazon and it's uploaded. Hopefully, readers will be able to access it by tomorrow. Yippee. That said, here's the blurb and a short excerpt.

Blacksmith, Galin Walker has an uncanny knack for predicting the weather, but he can’t predict the storm about to invade his heart. Telegrapher, Aubrey Caine’s search for her absent husband leads her straight into the arms of a man with a shady past and secrets that haunt him. Together they forge a bond that will endure the forces of nature and a con man’s cruel swindle.

His hand reached for her hat and came back clutching a twig. “Do you always wear hats like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like nature stirred up a hornet’s nest.” His voice softened in a way that sent awareness skittering along every nerve cell. “The artist that conjured that monstrosity ought to be shot. At the very least, tarred and feathered.”
She took a step back, thinking she should be angry at his rudeness, but the heated look he gave her said something entirely different. Whoever tore her place apart wasn’t Galin. He might be many things, but dishonest wasn’t one of them. She’d have to look elsewhere for the culprit. She even doubted his ability to steal. “Perhaps you best finish my grinder.”
“You have secrets. So do I.”
The subject had come back to Spencer. Should she tell him about Thad now? Sooner or later, she’d have to confide in the man if she hoped to get her son back.
“I don’t have time for you to analyze my nature. I’m due at the depot in an hour. If you could just …”
“Come back in half an hour.”
“I’d rather wait.”
“I’d rather you didn’t. Miss Caine, you’re a distraction I can’t afford.” His large hands spanned her waist as he turned her from him. His warmth soaked through to her skin and caused heat to rise to her cheeks.
“A distraction?”
He bent his head behind her left ear. “You tempt me to want to kiss you. Neither of us wants that, now do we?”
We don’t? “I don’t like your forwardness, sir.”
“Nor do I. Go before I do something we’ll both regret.” He pushed her gently from him.
Incensed by his coarse ways, she hurried away, but regret dogged her steps. If she’d been a stronger woman, she’d have stayed to tempt his ardor.

You can find the book now on Amazon!


  1. This sounds wonderful, Ciara. Will you be adding it to Nook soon?

    Let me know how this experience goes as I'm considering it myself.

  2. Thanks Linda. Right now I'm starting with the Kindle and we'll go from there.
