Sunday, September 8, 2013

Website is almost 90% back to normal

Yeah, it's taken me eons to get her fixed but I know better what to do if hackers attack again. A double hex on all hackers and evil spammers. In the meantime, enjoy a slightly new look.

I say 90% because I've yet to fix the page that shows my own artwork. I'm not sure I'll put it back up, but if I do, I'll be doing so in a different format from the way it was. 
As for my writing news, I'll be a guest on Lyn Horner's blog on Sept 23. I'm really excited about this as Lyn is both a friend and a wonderful writer. Check out her work at
I'm almost through with The Rose of Moon Haven, the sequel to The Keeper of Moon Haven. 83,000 words so far and I think I finally have an ending worthy of the rest of the story. Folks usually think the middle is a problem and often call it the "sagging middle" but not me, no, for me the ending always gives me fits. I think it's because I hate for it to end and I don't want to say goodbye to my characters. Even so I'm excited to be done so I can refocus my energy toward another historical western.

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