Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ciara Gold jumps onto the World Blog Tour!!!

I'm honored to be invited to this World Blog Tour by Linda LaRoque who happens to be a fabulous writer with a great backlist of books to choose from. Please visit her blog at

1. What am I working on? I'm desperately trying to finish a sequel to the Keeper of Moon Haven. I finally figured out the ending so I'm excited about that. My goal is to have it completed and submitted before I go back to teaching in the fall. I'm also working on another historical western but I'm a tad stuck on the direction I want it to take. I figure my characters will lead me around in their own merry little time.

2. How does my work differ from others in the genre?

Well, I write in several different genres, but I think the thing that sets me apart is the ability to come up with fairly unique storylines. I try real hard not to use the typical plot gimmicks or if I do, I try to present it in a unique way. My characters love  to take twists and turns.

3. Why do I write what I do?

 Let's first examine what I do write. First and foremost, I write romance. I love historical western. I love reading it as it's my comfort read whenever I'm really stressed. But I love the creativity I'm allowed when I write outside the box like time travels, futuristic science fiction or fantasies (The Keeper of Moon Haven is a fantasy romance with a wizard, a troll, faeries, etc.)

4. How does my writing process work?

I'm a tried and true Pantser. Outlines are too restrictive for my imagination. If I write one, I rarely stick to it. My one and only writing partner, will attest to that. I recently co-authored a book with M. W. Davis (Big Mike as we fondly call him) and he drafted a pretty solid outline. My character just couldn't stay on that trail. She hiked all over the place so he was constantly readjusting. He was great to work with though and took it all in stride. The end result was Distant Obsession, a romantic suspense that should be available on August 4!!! You can find it at Champagne Books or Amazon on August 4.  But it's available now at All Romance EBooks.

Here's the blurb:

After years struggling to succeed as an artist, Lilah Randal accomplishes here dream, only to return from her first sold out exhibition to find her husband and his mistress in bed, murdered. For a year she’s persecuted by the cops and media, accused of killing the Senator, her husband. With no proof, only suspicious, the police give up, but not the news hounds, nor the discomforting phone calls or late night attempted intrusions into her home.

Reluctantly, Lilah stalls her career, assumes a different identify and begins fresh, hiding in a small town far away from the attention of DC. Her days are filled with new vigor as the serenity of the Cherokee Valley surrounding Watauga Lake feeds her creative muse under a fake alias, Carmen. Yet her nights remain hollow, like her marriage to the Senator, until she becomes obsessed by the allure of a stranger that glides by her cabin in his sailboat. Both his male form and solemn expression bleed into every painting, every midnight fantasy, until her new dream becomes reality. Lilah learns her future will remain corrupted by the past until she solves the secret behind her husband’s murder and explores her attraction to the mysterious sailor.

I've invited the several lovely authors to join me on the blog tour and I will add them to this list as they accept the invite, so please check out their blogs and the many wonderful stories they have to offer:

Susan Horsnell - western romance author


  1. Thank you for inviting me into this exciting blog tour, Ciara.

    Sue Horsnell

  2. You're welcome. Hoping the others I invited will respond soon. I think a lot are on vacation.
