Monday, October 26, 2015

The Editing Process

Edits are probably handled a tad differently with each house but I thought I'd give a glimpse into my history with editors and how each edits have gone.

For my first book, Celestial Dragon, I received my edits and thought wrongly that I had to have them back in record time. (Usually, I have at least 2 - 3 weeks with the first round of edits.) Not only that but at the time I was using Word Perfect which I dearly love and I had only a basic understanding of Microsoft Word. Needless to say I didn't know I could just click accept under reviews. I went through and compared the edited version to mine and made on the corrections necessary or rather, that I could see and find. Can we say argggg? It was a lengthy process.

The next books were a lot easier because I had a better understanding of the process in general. Basically, I go through three rounds of edits. The first round is for mostly content and some line edits. After that, the manuscript goes to a line editor. After I go through those edits and approve or disapprove, I get a copy of the ARC.

I go through the ARC again for any more problems we missed. I then write down the error and correction. This is called the errata. The publisher makes the necessary changes before publishing the book.

With The Rose Hunter, we hit a glitch. I won't go into details but edits didn't go as they normally did. However, even with the difficulties, I had an awesome editor who caught quite a few problems. The line editor did a great job as well. And while I've encountered smoother edits, I'm very happy with the end result. For a while, I wasn't sure The Rose Hunter would be released on time but kudos to Champagne Books for doing all in their power to see the book published on time.

You can pre-order a copy here.

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