Sunday, November 1, 2015

Gearing up for Release Day!

Tomorrow is the big day!  The Rose Hunter will be available for purchase through Champagne Books, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and All Romance Ebooks.

I'm so excited about this story and being able to share it with readers. I love taking characters from another story who might have been a wee bit hard to love and giving them their own story. It's fun finding ways to redeem them. For this story, it was Lyerra from The Keeper of Moon Haven. It wasn't that she was horrible or anything, but she was a bit loose with her affections. That's because she was an elfin witch and commitment wasn't in her vocabulary.

In The Rose Hunter, things change. She's struck with what other elves in her coven term as "the change". No longer is she content to live life one day at a time. Instead, the change is interfering with her emotions and stripping her of her powers. One day she's able to heal with just her touch and the next she's lost this ability. Finding a cure involves hunting the elusive Rose, an item of great worth that was stolen from Alfheim Haven years ago by her own mother. Unfortunately, her search will take her out of the safety of Alfheim Haven and into the human realm. Her story if one of sacrifice, of trials contrary to who and what she is, but the end result will have her finding true love. Yep, I'm a sucker for the HEA (happy ever after) endings.

So - in preparation for the release of The Rose Hunter, I've scheduled a few ads here and there and a few blog spots. I would love for you to check out the guest blogs.

Sept 9 - I had a wonderful interview on Katrina Marie's blog. You can read it here.
Nov 2 - There will be a Release Day Announcement on Books Glorious Books, Sue Horsnell's blog.
Nov 8 - I have a wonderful interview/announcement on Romance Lives Forever blog.
Dec 2 - Another lovely blog post on  Romance Lives Forever blog.
Dec 11 - I have a featured author spot on Susan Noble's blog.

Would love for you all to pop in and visit some of these great places.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ciara,

    Congrats for tomorrow... I hope you have a wonderful release day.

    Take care.

