Sunday, November 8, 2015

RLF great for promotion! And chance to receive a kindle copy.

Romance Lives Forever is a great site for helping get the word out about your books. Today, I'm excited to be talking up my newest release, The Rose Hunter. I would love for you to visit and check out the site, both for my book and to see what a great place it is to visit or schedule your own guest blog.

I think in this overwhelming digital age, it's especially difficult for new authors to break into the market. One of the best ways is to guest blog. Hopefully, that blog's readership will take a gander at what you have to offer and learn more about you and your book but your own readership will hopefully follow you to that blog and find other authors they want to read. It's a win win!

Nowadays, most readers don't comment like they used to. I imagine time is a factor as one navigates the safeguards put in place to make sure you aren't a robot. Darn bots anyway. But....

If you comment on my guest post and leave me your e-mail address, I will gift you a free kindle copy. If you've already read, the Rose Hunter (then I thank you kindly), I will gift you a kindle copy of another of my books. There are 14 in all. You might want to start with The Keeper of Moon Haven as it precedes this current book.


  1. Hi there, as we have not chatted in a while I can see why. This looks and soundd great Ciara. Thanks also for what you are doing too.
    Elaine aka Lainey

  2. Thank you, Lainey. And thank you for visiting and commenting. I've been gone so am just now getting a chance to reply. I would love to send you a complementary copy.

  3. Better late to the party Ciara then never. Thank you also very much on the book. Unfortunately I have a lot on my plate at the moment but will get a chance to read and enjoy the book. So it may be a while until I can then get a well deserved review off for it on Kindle. Thanks again, Lainey

  4. I understand about time. I teach and I'm heading into my busy season with contests and stuff. Read at your leisure and enjoy.
