Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Lyerra from The Rose Hunter has a guest interview at RLF! #RLFblog #fantasy

Lyerra Ahdia from my newest release was interviewed on the Romance Lives Forever blog. She's really excited about the post. Being thrust into the human world wasn't easy for the elfin witch, but she's adapting and wanted everyone to hear her story. I invite you to read her interview at RLF.

If you haven't had a chance to read her tale yet, check out The Rose Hunter. Here's the blurb:

Lucian Willshire is plagued by thoughts of a fey world and the disappearance of his aunt some nineteen years past, but when his friend drags him back to Hamingjur Castle, he stumbles into Alfheim Haven once more where mystical beings become more than a distant memory.
Lyerra Ahdia is baffled by the sudden emotional changes she’s experiencing until she discovers she’s the only witch to suffer “the change” since her mother stole the Rose, a special talisman with the power to perpetuate life among those in her coven. Tasked with finding and bringing the Rose home, she begs Lucian’s help in navigating the human realm. Against his better judgement, he agrees.
            Though neither set out to find anything except the Rose, fate has other plans. Will love be more elusive than hunting the Rose?


  1. Thanks for the shout out for Romance Lives Forever. Very excited to have you on the blog!

  2. Hi Ciara,

    I enjoyed your post and Lyerra interview...

    I hope you have a lovely week..

    Take care.


  3. Thanks Katie! It was a fun interview to do. How are things on your end? Right now, school is getting crazy busy with end of year projects.

  4. Hi Ciara,

    It was a great interview to read... Must of been really fun to do as well... Things are a bit busy over here with Christmas just around the corner and sorting who's coming etc... Sounds like you're busy busy too.. How's end of year projects going?

    I hope you have a real Magical Christmas...

