Sunday, December 13, 2015

Too many to choose from #writing

So today is going to be a writing day. It's been raining hard since 2:00 PM yesterday which makes for perfect writing weather. After all, what else is there to do, right?

That said, I've been going through old files and wow, I found some jewels. I found four stories started that would be sequels to The Rose Hunter: A naïve traveler with a price on her head investigates Hamingjur in 1974, a leprechaun travels across America to return to his home in Alfheim Haven, and a story between two beings set completely in Alfheim Haven. Then of course there are two historical westerns in the works; William Stanton's story as he finds love with the missing sister of Tabor and Jake (Character's from Sarah's Brass Token and Julia's Golden Eagle) and another western I started from writing prompts. I also have a Christmas novella started, one that's been in the works since I first started writing. That's the one I worked on yesterday. The reason it's taking so long is that I lost the files and had to start over. Starting over is no fun but I really like the story. I even started a story centered around the college in my hometown based on a true story from my high school days. (Gotta love midnight yell and the Ags.)

So now comes the hard part. I want to work on them all and my mind is churning but I'm not magic like some of my characters. I have to settle for one for today. Ugh, why do I do this to myself. The logical thing would be to work on the one that's closest to completion but I have a research trip planned this summer that will help immensely on it so I feel I need to wait so I'm not doing a ton of rewrites. The next logical choice would be the one that's next in terms of completion. Hmm or maybe the Christmas story since I'm feeling in the mood.

Yep, I think I'll work on the Christmas story. I won't have it finished by this Christmas but if I work on it now, I'll have it for the next. Wish me a happy writing day. :-)


  1. Good Luck Ciara with your Christmas story... It's the time of year for Christmas stories I think. I hope you're well...
    take care Katie.

  2. Thanks Katie. All is well here. Last week of school before Christmas break. And you?
