Sunday, November 27, 2016

Lots Going on including forensic art

Yep, still alive. This has been a special Thanksgiving break as hubby and I spend it together in our new home. The house isn't quite finished; lots of little things left to do but for the most part, we're moved in. The weather has been outrageously pleasant, like a mild fall day, which is fine by me as I'm not particularly fond of the cold. Today I spent much of it burning wood as our wood pile is overflowing.

Family and friends gathered on Thursday for a non-traditional meal. Hubby grilled steel head trout and with it, I served rice pilaf, squash casserole, steamed spinach and a cranberry salad my mom made. We did this because my son and his beautiful lady were going to have a traditional meal with her folks the next day. So, Saturday, I made a traditional meal for just hubby and me. Yep, we'll be eating turkey for a week.

As for other news in my world, I'm still not settled into writing yet but the office is set up, my files are accessible and all my research books are within reach. So I'm hopeful by this summer, I'll be cranking out the stories again. Oh how I miss writing! As for my art side, I signed up to take a forensic art course with Lois Gibson. I'm very excited about this one. It's a way I can use my talents to help others so we'll see how good I am at drawing portraits after April arrives. It's a week long course but I've already bought both work books for it.

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