Monday, September 28, 2009

Finding the magic

I'm so excited, I had to share. I reached the black moment in my newest sci-fi futuristic fantasy wip. Not only that, but I'm at 89,000 words with one more chapter to write until I type those golden words "the end."

Why did I title this entry, finding the magic? Because that's what happens during the black moment. The hero finds the magic at the risk of losing his loved one. Sigh. It was a difficult plot to write and I'm just so excited.

Okay, bath and bed. Maybe I'll sleep tonight since I didn't for thinking about the book and the characters.


Nancy Henderson said...

Big congratulations. 89,000 words is huge!

Bethany said...

That's awesome! Looking forward to seeing it! (Is this one going to be an e-book or in print?)

Unknown said...

I'm so excited!!!! Cheers! That is a big one...

Ciara Gold said...

Bethany, It will start in e-book but I'm hoping it will go to print soon after since the other two are in print. Crossing fingers and toes. I don't have it contracted yet, but I have a tentative slot if that makes sense.

And thanks big time, Nancy and J. J. !

Linda LaRoque said...

Way to go, Ciara. Them's a lot of words!!!

Ciara Gold said...

Thanks Linda. For this working gal it is. I hit 91,000 tonight. Whoop