Friday, December 31, 2010

A day late almost but I met my goal!!!

I finished and submitted the sequel to On the Silver Edge of Time!!! Whoop!

I'm only an hour and fifteen minutes past my goal time but I can live with that. DH was away tonight so it gave me the day to wrap up the project, polish and get that sucker off to my editor.

I tried something different. Three wonderful ladies agreed to be beta readers for this one. I've already heard back from one and applied her comments. I figure the other two will send me comments shortly, but I can make those changes after the manuscript has been contracted so yeah - I'm jumping for joy right now to have another one finished and on it's way to my editor.

Happy New Year everyone.


  1. Good luck on the sequal submission!! And congrats on your 2010 Champagne Award for The Keeper of Moon Haven!!

  2. Thanks big time, Linda. I'm just now getting to my blog to announce to the world. LOL. You beat me to it.
