Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Keeper of Moon Haven was nominated....

For best novel of the year for Champagne Books!!!!!
I'm so excited, but the list of others competing for this honor is outstanding so even if I don't win, I'm thrilled just to be nominated.

Here's the list of others nominated for this honor:


Shadow Fox by Ashley Barnard 

Defiant Dancer by K. M. Tolan

Pesto Packing Mama by Nan D. Arnold

The Lancaster Rule by T. K. Toppin

Shadow Of Guilt by Michael Davis

I am currently reading Shadow Fox though I can't tell you much about it yet as I just started, but so far it's promising to be a great story. I've read Tolan's first book in the series and if Defiant Dancer is anything like his first, Blade Dancer, he's definitely got a great book there. Don't know a lot about Nan Arnold's writing or that of T.K. Toppin, but when time allows, I'll check them out.

And then there's Big Mike as we fondly call him. He and I exchanged critiques recently on upcoming work and I have to say, I'm most impressed with the way that man's mind works. He's a gifted writer and a wonderful friend and mentor, so yeah, I've got some stiff competition with Shadow of Guilt.

So here's a toast to all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh GG, you sweet talking thing you.

    Michael Davis (
    Author of the Year, (2008 and 2009)
