Thursday, January 28, 2016

Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the fast lane just became a blur. Just to keep everyone updated, this is the time of the year when I basically go into Internet hibernation. In other words, I get so busy with stuff that it's hard to eek out time to post on the blog or even check email. Stuff means my other job. Most of you already know I teach art at a high school and it's contest time.

Well, contest time, Empty Bowls, Jr. time, youth art month time, art show time, art club time, and the list goes on. So our big art competition means getting students prepared to meet the judges. Empty Bowls, Jr. is an event we started in our area 4 years ago which allows art students to create bowls that go toward raising funds for our local school food pantries. (A lot of school districts and other art entities across the nation host an empty bowls event.) Youth art month is March and in preparation for YAM, I organize collecting art from our district art teachers to submit to our state organization for possible display at the state capitol. Keep your fingers crossed. :-) 

Art club meets once a week and they've been commissioned to paint two murals and do 6 large 8'x 4' panels for decorations for a dance that raises money for scholarships, so yep - can we say busy.

And when do I write during all of this? I do continue to write but just not near as often as I'd like. Writing helps clear my head when I get stressed over all I have to get accomplished in a day. Writing keeps me sane.


  1. Hi Ciara,

    I'm just catching up, sound like you'll be busy busy. But fun too art classes sound fun and creative.

    I hope you get some of your writing done too. Writing is helpful to clear ones mind and help when feeling stressful.

    How are your cats? Do they still visit you? I hope you're having a lovely year so far.

    Take care Katie.

  2. I'm playing catch up, too. Cats are still with us but not so many, yet. Three stayed and became almost domesticated. They let us pet them. Two are females and fixing to pop out kitties any day now. The rest of the thirteen we started with left to check out surrounding areas. How is your cat? How is the writing coming along? I'm hoping to start at least posting to the blog soon but I may wait until summer as I don't have a whole lot to report.
