Monday, June 27, 2016

Back in the Saddle Again

Well, I'm finally back to writing. My life has been crazy busy since I last posted but it's all been good. Just returned from a 10-day road trip with my 85-year-old mother. Purpose? To visit friends and family and do a little research along the way.

We started off on June 16 and headed for Florida via Natchez, Louisiana and on into Alabama. In Natchez we toured Stanford Hall and ate a wonderful lunch at the Cottage Inn. While I'm not currently writing about anything with a setting in these states, I like collecting info for possible future stories.

Our first real stop was Pensacola where I got to see a really good friend whom I used to work with. Next we headed to Largo where I got to visit with my best friend from high school. The last time I saw her was about 10 years ago. Then on to Athens, Georgia where we spent time with Mom's college roommate. Next on the list was Nashville, Tennessee where we were entertained by my cousin. After those visits, we headed back west toward home, but along the way I toured a few sites and gathered information for a historical western I'm currently penning.

More later but I did want to check in since it at been so long.

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